Various laughing emoji were plentiful in the comments section of her post, and her fans also left hundreds of messages expressing their delight over her antics. The first and second halves of her scream were repeated three times, and her followers seemed to find her high-pitched screech rather hilarious. The musician edited the video to include a sparkle effect and more than one instant replay. The video ended after she completely disappeared beneath the surface. Jessie kept her legs straight, so she only created a small splash when she hit the water. Whoever was filming the singer could be heard laughing as she plummeted down. This revealed that she wore a gray underwire bra beneath it. Jessie raised her arms up as she jumped, and the front of her shirt flew up. She seemed to think that her shrill shriek sounded like the roar of a dinosaur, as she described herself as "Tyrannosaurus Jess" in the caption of her post.
The song was originally obtained when one pre-ordered the Pitch Perfect 2 soundtrack in the United States, beginning on 23 April 2015 it later became available for download on its own.
The song was written by Sia, Christian Guzman, Jason Moore and Sam Smith. Jessie held her arms out at her sides and let out a loud scream as she approached the edge of the roof. 'Flashlight' is a song recorded by English singer Jessie J for the soundtrack to the film Pitch Perfect 2 (2015).
She was barefoot, with her shiny dark hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She was clad in a casual ensemble that included a gray crop top and a matching pair of drawstring sweatpants. However, the singer decided to make a more dramatic splash by standing on the eaves of the structure and jumping into the pool. It was located so close to a pool that one of the lodging's sliding doors provided direct access to the water. Jessie J shared a video of herself performing a daring stunt to demonstrate her "Monday mood." She thoroughly amused her Instagram followers by leaping off a roof, screaming, and briefly flashing her bra.īefore the camera began filming, the 32-year-old "Bang Bang" hitmaker climbed on top of a one-story building with orange walls.